Answering Questions About Home Organizing

This is my number 1 FAQ, and for this reason, I’ve included photos of my own home! Yes, I am very organized! But just like any home, there is diligent work involved on a regular basis, to keep our space tidy. This means going through our belongings on a regular basis and weeding out the excess.
We donate and our unwanted items to make sure they go to a good home. We are blessed with abundance and weeding out the excess not only feels good, but giving to those less fortunate feels even better! See a list of places to send your unwanted items on my Go Green page!
“A professional organizer enhances the lives of clients by designing systems and processes using organizing principles and through transferring organizing skills. A professional organizer also educates the public on organizing solutions and the resulting benefits. Professional organizers help individuals and businesses take control of their surroundings, their time, their paper and their systems for life.” National Association of Professional Organizers (
I suggest choosing one room in your home you feel is a source of stress or anxiety; by working with me on one room, you will be inspired to apply the principles I teach you to other areas of your house. Quick tip: Start right now! Remove everything from that room that doesn’t serve a function. Toss/recycle and give away everything you don’t love, need, or use!
There are many factors involved in determining the amount of time it will take to get organized. It depends on the type of services needed, how large your space is, and your commitment level. Some clients want their whole house organized, and we work from room to room over the course of a few months to a year, depending on the frequency of our sessions.
If you are willing to work in between sessions, you can speed up the process. After each session, I follow up with an email of suggested tasks to keep your project moving forward in my absence.
I understand that organizing your home will bring up strong emotions such as shame or guilt. People ask me, “How could I let it come to this?” Or “Is this the worst you’ve seen?” I will never judge you and encourage you to pat yourself on the back and focus on the positive aspect of getting organized.
We all have areas in our life that need work; it just may happen that organizing is where you need help and that’s ok. Holly Help is here to guide you in creating a space you are proud of, a space you can’t wait for guests to see. Visualize your ideal home; what does it look like? What does it feel like when you walk in?
As a rule, I will never tell you what to toss, nor do I throw away anything without your permission. I will simply ask you questions about items in your home and encourage you to evaluate the things you own that are rarely used. The average American only uses 20% of their belongings. That means most people are holding on to 80% “just in case.” It’s one thing if you have space for it, but what happens when the excess starts to affect your comfort level?
Every item in our homes holds energy; a memory or feeling is attached. It’s up to you to decide what you are willing to continue making space for. When you start to release items that don’t serve a function in your home, you will feel lighter, more in control of your space and as a result, your life. You will also most likely find something important you thought you lost!
I charge an hourly rate and work in 3-hour minimum sessions. I can and often do work longer sessions if you like. Fees vary based on geographic location and types of organizing services needed. Please email me with a description of your project, your general location, and I will send you my HollyHelp Welcome Packet with rates and my commitment to you. By hiring a professional organizer, you are investing in your future and will be able to implement the systems we create for a lifetime. So let’s get started!
Tip: I often uncover cash, misplaced checks, and long-lost treasures when working with clients. Your session could pay for itself during the first visit!
The process of hiring a professional organizer is similar to that of choosing any provider of professional services. It is important you feel comfortable with me especially with the intimate nature of the work we do, going through your home, your life, and all of your possessions. If for some reason you don’t feel the right chemistry with me, I will be happy to make a recommendation and refer you to another organizer in my network of professionals.